Our Members
Board of Directors
President: Cliff Shoemaker
Immediate Past President: Alex Laufer
Executive Vice President: John Knueven
Music and Performance VP: Don Johnson
Membership VP: Dale Bird
Marketing VP: Aaron Watts
Public Relations/Gigmeister VP: Lou Pizzarello
Corresponding Secretary: George Molessa
Recording Secretary: Ray LaTurno
Treasurer: Bill McDonald
Social Chairman: John Feist
Members-at-Large: Kate Depret, Jeff Druessel, Robert Winer, Fred Geldon, Randy Rogers;
Heritage Harmony Singers Liaison: Doug Jones
Webmaster: Jeff Druessel
Director: Richard Lewellan
co-Director: John Knueven
Assistant Directors: Don Johnson, Aaron Watts, and Cliff Shoemaker
Our members come from all walks of life, but we all share a love of music and especially of good, close, acappella harmony in the barbershop style. In addition to over love of singing, we stay for the Fun, Fellowship, and Sense of Accomplishment, as we improve our harmony and share the joy of music with our audiences.