Men In Stripes
This group is for hire
Yikes Stripes! Men-in-Stripes barbershop quartet is all about entertaining a cappella ... singing ... fun! Cy, Fred, Bob, & Aaron perform at parties, picnics, weddings, wineries, bars and bar mitzvahs!
Cy Shuster (bass) is the low voice. He also sings with the Alexandria Harmonizers. Cy got started in barbershop at his annual piano technician’s conferences. Last year, he moved from Albuquerque to be near family.
Fred Geldon (baritone) sings notes no one else wants. He is also the quartet “Lone Arranger.” Fred teaches at George Mason University and at the Public Contracting Institute, and practices law at Steptoe & Johnson.
Bob Ruckle (tenor) has been a Jubil-Aire since 1981. He sang in the George Mason University Chorale during college, sang for 5 years with the Bull Run Troubadours chorus, and also sings with the “HOV 4” quartet.
Aaron Watts (lead) sings the melody. He is a U.S. Naval Academy Blue & Gold Officer, and an Office of Naval Research Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics judge for Virginia high schools.